BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual

Page 64

background image


o font: Small/medium/large/huge
o fontSize: A point size that is used directly when creating the font. If the value is set to 0, then the font

automatically resizes to fit the


o fontfile: The filename for a non-system font to use
o hAlign: The left/center/right alignment of the text on a line
o vAlign: The top/center/bottom alignment of the text perpendicular to the line
o rotation: The 0/90/180/270 degree rotation of the text
o color: The #[aa]rrggbb hex value of the text

3. Image

filename: The filename of an image

targetRect: The rectangle in which the image is displayed. The image will be automatically resized to fit into the
target area.

sourceRect: The source rectangle to clip from a source image

compositionMode: Enter either source or source_over. The latter alpha blends with underlying objects. The
former replaces the underlying values completely.

4. QR Codes
Note: QR (quick response) codes appear as squares of black dots on a white background. They are used to encode
URLs, email addresses, etc, and they can be scanned using readily available software for smart phones. Although the
codes usually appear as black on white, you can, in theory, use any two contrasting colors.

targetRect: The rectangle in which the QR code is displayed

o Regardless of the aspect ratio of this rectangle, the QR code itself will always be squared with the

background color that fills the gaps.