BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
Page 39

Match(a As String) As roArray: Returns an roArray of matched substrings from the string. The entire
match is returned in the form
array[0].This will be the only entry in the array if there are no parenthetical
substrings. If the matching pattern contains parenthetical substrings, the relevant substrings will be returned as an
array of length n+1, where
array[0] is the entire match and each additional entry in the array is the match for
the corresponding parenthetical expression.
Replace(a As String, b As String) As String: Replaces the first occurrence of a match to the
matching pattern in the string with the subset. The subset may contain numbered back-references to parenthetical
ReplaceAll(a As String, b As String) As String: Performs a global search and replace.
Split(a As String) As roList: Uses the matching pattern as a delimiter and splits the string on the
delimiter boundaries. The function returns an roList of strings that were separated by the matching pattern in the
original string.