Ifidentity, Ifsetmessageport – BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
Page 318

SetElapsed(seconds As Integer, milliseconds As Integer): Configures a timer to trigger once the
specified time period has elapsed. Unlike the absolute timer methods above, changes to the system clock will not
affect the period of the
SetElapsed() timer.
The ifIdentity interface provides the following:
GetIdentity() As Integer
The ifSetSetMessagePort interface provides the following:
SetPort(a As Object)
Example: This code uses
SetElapsed() to create a timer that triggers every 30 seconds.
Sub Main()
mp = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
timer = CreateObject("roTimer")
timer.SetElapsed(30, 0)
print "Start at "; Uptime(0)
while true
ev = mp.WaitMessage(0)
if type(ev) = "roTimerEvent" then
print "Timer event received at "; Uptime(0)