BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
Page 83

a["MultiscreenWidth"] = 3
a["MultiscreenHeight"] = 2
a["MultiscreenX"] = 0
a["MultiscreenY"] = 0
The filename, mode, and transition values are the same as those documented in the
section, but the multiscreen parameters are unique. The MultiscreenWidth and MultiscreenHeight parameters specify the
width and height of the multi-screen matrix. For example, 3x2 would be three screens wide and two screens high. The
MultiscreenX and MultiscreenY specify the position of the current screen within that matrix.
In the above case, on average only 1/6 of the image is drawn on each screen, though the image mode still applies so that,
depending on the shape of the image, it may have black bars on the side screens. It is relatively simple, therefore, for an
image widget to display part of an image based on its position in the multiscreen array. The following are default values
for the parameters:
Mode = 0
Transition = 0
MultiscreenWidth = 1
MultiscreenHeight = 1
MultiscreenX = 0
MultiscreenY = 0
Example: This code uses DisplayFile for displaying a portion of an image: