Ifsetmessageport, Ifaudiocontrol, Fsetmessagepor – BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
Page 60: Ifaudiocontrolmx

SetLoopMode(a As Boolean) As Boolean
GetPlaybackStatus() As Object
The ifSetMessagePort interface provides the following:
SetPort(a As Object)
The ifAudioControl interface provides the following:
MapStereoOutput(a As Integer) As Boolean
SetVolume(a As Integer) As Boolean
SetChannelVolumes(a As Integer, b As Integer) As Boolean
SetAudioOutput(a As Integer) As Boolean
SetAudioMode(a As Integer) As Boolean
SetAudioStream(a As Integer) As Boolean
SetUsbAudioPort(a As Integer) As Boolean
SetSpdifMute(a As Boolean) As Boolean
MapDigitalOutput(a As Integer) As Boolean
StoreEncryptionKey(a As String, b As String) As Boolean
StoreObfuscatedEncryptionKey(a As String, b As String) As Boolean
SetStereoMappingSpan(a As Integer) As Boolean
ConfigureAudioResources() As Boolean
SetPcmAudioOutputs(a As Object) As Boolean
SetCompressedAudioOutputs(a As Object) As Boolean
The ifIdentity interface provides the following:
GetIdentity() As Integer
The ifAudioControlMx interface provides the following: