Roassetpool – BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
Page 183

An roAssetPool instance represents a pool of files for synchronization. You can instruct this object to populate the pool
based on a sync spec and then realize it in a specified directory when required.
Object Creation: The roAssetPool object is created with a single parameter representing the rooted path of the pool.
CreateObject("roAssetPool", pool_path As String)
pool = CreateObject ("roAssetPool", "SD:/pool")
Interfaces: ifAssetPool
The ifAssetPool interface provides the following:
GetFailureReason() As String
ProtectAssets(name As String, collection As Object) As Boolean: Requests that the files
specified in the "download" section of a sync spec receive a certain amount of protection. Specified files will not be
deleted when the system software needs to reduce the size of the pool to make space.
UnprotectAssets(name As String) As Boolean: Removes the protected status placed on the specified
files by the
are reference counted at the system-software level. As a
result, when calling
UnprotectAssets(), you must pass the same object that you previously passed to
UnprotectAllAssets() As Boolean