BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual

Page 172

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Important: Any "optional" fields that are specified when populating the pool must also be specified when retrieving assets
from the pool (i.e. they become "mandatory" once they are used for an asset). For example, if the hash value is specified
when fetching into the pool, then it must also be specified when attempting to refer to files in the pool.

Hash algorithms:

If a

sha1 is available, you can validate the hash as the file is downloaded. If such a hash is available, it should

be used. The

link and change_hint properties have no effect on the pool file name, so the file is shared

even if it is downloaded from different locations.

besha1 This algorithm hashes some of the file along with the file size in order to verify the contents. It also moves the

link and change_hint properties into the pool filename.


Without any hash, the file cannot be verified as it is downloaded, and the system will rely on the

link and

change_hint properties to give the pool a unique filename.