Ifarray, Ifarrayget, Ifarrayset – BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
Page 45: Ifxmllist

The ifArray interface provides the following:
Peek() As Dynamic: Returns the last (highest index) array entry without removing it.
Pop() As Dynamic: Returns the last (highest index) entry and removes it from the array.
Push(a As Dynamic): Adds a new highest index entry to the end of the array
Shift() As Dynamic: Removes index zero from the array and shifts all other entries down by one unit.
Unshift(a As Dynamic): Adds a new index zero to the array and shifts all other entries up by one unit.
Delete(a As Integer) As Boolean: Deletes the indicated array entry and shifts all above entries down by
one unit.
Count() As Integer Returns the index of the highest entry in the array plus one (i.e. the length of the array).
Clear(): Deletes every entry in the array.
Append(a As Object): Appends one roArray to another. If the passed roArray contains entries that were never
set to a value, they are not appended.
Note: The two appended objects must be of the same type.
The ifArrayGet interface provides the following:
GetEntry(a As Integer) As Dynamic: Returns an array entry of a given index. Entries start at zero. If an
entry that has not been set is fetched, Invalid is returned.
The ifArraySet interface provides the following:
SetEntry(a As Integer, b As Dynamic): Sets an entry of a given index to the passed type value.
The ifXMLList interface provides the following:
GetAttributes() As Object
GetText() As String
GetChildElements() As Object