BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
Page 208

Stop() As Boolean: Stops the pipeline stream. Some internal pipeline stages may continue running.
Disconnect() As Boolean: Regresses the steam back to the CONNECTED state.
Reset() As Boolean: Resets the pipeline stream. All internal pipeline stages are terminated.
Inject(a As Integer) As Boolean
The ifIdentity interface provides the following:
GetIdentity() As Integer
The ifMessagePort interface provides the following:
SetPort(a As Object)
Source Specifications
The string passed to the roMediaStreamer.SetPepline() method can have unique parameters that determine the source
type and playback behavior.
Looping: By default, a stream from a media file will not loop when it ends. You can specify a looping parameter at
the end of the source string as follows: """filesimple:///data/example.mp4?loop". It is also possible to loop the
stream using end-of-stream messages from
. However, the slightly longer restart gap that
results from using BrightScript may cause problems with the streaming client. This is especially true if you attempt
to set a new media file source upon looping the function.