Roaudioplayer – BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
Page 50

An audio player is used to play back audio files using the generic ifMediaTransport interface. If the message port is set,
the object will send events of the type roAudioEvent. All object calls are asynchronous. In other words, audio playback is
handled in a different thread from the script. The script may continue to run while audio is playing.
The ifIdentity interface provides the following:
GetIdentity() As Integer
The ifSetMessagePort interface provides the following:
SetPort(As Object) As Void
SetPort(a As Object)
for a description of ifMediaTransport.
The ifAudioControl interface provides the following:
SetPcmAudioOutputs(array As Object) As Boolean: Determines which PCM audio outputs are
connected to audio player outputs generated by
. This method takes as its argument one or more
outputs in the form of an roArray of roAudioOutput parameters.
SetCompressedAudioOutputs(array As Object) As Boolean: Determines which compressed audio
outputs are connected to audio player outputs generated by
. This method takes as its argument one
or more outputs in the form of an roArray of roAudioOutput parameters.
Note: When one or both of these output methods are called, they will override the settings of the following
ifAudioControl methods:
SetAudioOutput(), MapStereoOutput(), SetUsbAudioPort()