Rohtmlwidget – BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
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This object embeds the WebKit HTML renderer. You can use multiple instances of roHtmlWidget at the same time.
Object creation: Like other widgets, an roHtmlWidget is created with an roRectangle, which specifies the size and
positioning of the widget on the screen.
CreateObject("roHtmlWidget", rect As roRectangle)
The ifHtmlWidget interface provides the following:
GetFailureReason() As String: : Gives more information when a member function returns False.
Hide() As Boolean: Hides the widget.
Show() As Boolean: Shows the widget.
SetRectangle(r As roRectangle) As Boolean: Changes the size and positioning of the widget rectangle
using the passed roRectangle object.
SetURL(URL As String) As Boolean: Displays content from the specified URL.
When using
SetUrl to retrieve content from local storage, you do not need to specify the full file path:
SetUrl("file:/example.html"). If the content is located somewhere other than the current storage device, you
can specify it within the string itself. For example, you can use the following syntax to retrieve content from a storage
device inserted into the USB port when the current device is an SD card:
MapFilesFromAssetPool(asset_pool As roAssetPool, asset_collection As
roAssetCollection, pool_prefix As String, uri_prefix As String) As Boolean: Sets the
mapping between the URL space and the pool files.