BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
Page 202

available via the roHttpEvent.GetRequestBodyString() method. A response can be sent in the same manner as the
AddGettoEvent method.
SetupDWSLink(parameters As Dynamic) As Boolean: Generates a tab in the Diagnostic Web Server
(DWS) that links to files hosted by the roHttpServer instance. The tab will function differently depending on the
parameters passed to the method.
o title As String: Generates a tab with title that links directly to the base ip_address:port of the
roHttpServer instance.
o {title:[title As String], tab:”no”}: Generates a tab with title that links to a DWS page. This
page will contain a single link to the base
ip_address:port of the roHttpServer instance.
o {title:[title As String], link1:[params As roAssociativeArray], link2:[params
As roAssociativeArray], ...,}: Generates a tab with title that links to a DWS page. This page
can contain any number of links to files hosted by the roHttpServer instance. Each link is configured with an
associative array containing the following key:value pairs:
name: The name of the link on the DWS page
url: The url_path of the file hosted by the roHttpServer instance (see the table below for details)
server1.SetupDWSLink("My AWS Link")
server2.SetupDWSLink({ title: "My AWS Link", tab: "no" })
server3.SetupDWSLink({ title: "Link> ", link1: { name: "Name 1", url: "/mylink1.jpg" },
link2: { name: "Name 2", url: "/mylink2.jpg" } })
The “Add” handler methods described above take an associative array as the parameter. Values in the associative array
specify how the handler behaves. The following table describes common key:value pairs: