BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual

Page 253

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EnablePeerVerification(a As Boolean) As Boolean

EnableHostVerification(a As Boolean) As Boolean

SetCertificatesFile(a As String) As Boolean

EnableEncodings(a As Boolean) As Boolean: Communicates to the server that the system can accept
any encoding that the roUrlTransfer object is capable of decoding by itself. This currently includes "deflate" and
"gzip", which allow for transparent compression of responses. Clients of roUrlTransfer see only the decoded data
and are unaware of the encoding being used.

SetUserAndPassword(a As String, b As String) As Boolean

Head() As Object: Performs a synchronous HTTP HEAD request and returns the resulting response code and
headers through an roURLEvent object. In the event of catastrophic failure (e.g. an asynchronous operation is
already active), a null object is returned.

Escape(unescaped As String) As String: Converts the provided string to a URL-encoded string. All
characters that could be misinterpreted in a URL context are converted to the %XX form.

Unescape(a As String) As String

GetUrl() As String

SetProxy(a As String) As Boolean

SetTimeout(milliseconds As Integer) As Boolean: Terminates the transfer if the request takes longer
than the specified number milliseconds. Note that this includes the time taken by any name lookups, so setting this
value too low will cause undesirable results. Passing 0 to the method disables the timeout. This method returns
True upon success and False upon failure. In the event of failure, using the

GetFailureReason() method may

provide more information. If the operation times out, the status return is -28.

SetUserAgent(a As String) As Boolean

PutFromString(a As String) As Integer: Uses the HTTP PUT method to write the supplied string to the
current URL and return the response code. Any response body is discarded; use roUrlTransfer.SyncMethod to
retrieve the response body.