Setvideodelay() – BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
Page 51

SetMultichannelAudioOutputs(array As Object) As Boolean:
SetAudioOutput(audio_output As Integer) As Boolean
SetAudioMode(audio_mode As Integer) As Boolean
MapStereoOutput(mapping As Integer) As Boolean
MapDigitalOutput(mapping As Integer) As Boolean
MapDigitalOutput is not available on the HD2000.
SetVolume(volume As Integer) As Boolean
SetChannelVolumes(channel_mask As Integer, volume As Integer) As Boolean
SetUsbAudioPort(a As Integer) As Boolean
SetSpdifMute(a As Boolean) As Boolean
StoreEncryptionKey(a As String, b As String) As Boolean
StoreObfuscatedEncryptionKey(a As String, b As String) As Boolean
SetStereoMappingSpan(a As Integer) As Boolean
ConfigureAudioResources() As Boolean
SetAudioStream(stream_index As Integer) As Boolean
SetAudioDelay(delay_in_milliseconds As Integer) As Boolean: Adds a presentation time stamp
(PTS) offset to the audio. This makes it possible to adjust for file multiplexing differences. Delays are limited to
150ms or less. Currently, the system software only supports positive delays; therefore, if you need to set the audio
ahead of the video, you will need to use
SetVideoDelay() instead.
SetVideoDelay(delay_in_milliseconds As Integer) As Boolean: Adds a presentation time stamp
(PTS) offset to the video. This makes it possible to adjust for file multiplexing differences. Delays are limited to
150ms or less.
Note: The following "Aux" functions are implemented only on the HD2000
SetAudioOutputAux(audio_output As Integer) As Boolean
SetAudioModeAux(audio_mode As Integer) As Boolean
MapStereoOutputAux(mapping As Integer) As BooleanSetVolumeAux(volume As Integer) As