Romediastreamer – BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual

Page 207

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The current implementation of this object allows an XD player to stream .ts files over UDP and RTP. Additional streaming
protocols and media file formats will be added as streaming functionality is developed. For more information, see the
Media Server tech note on the

documentation page


Object Creation: The roMediaStreamer object is created with no parameters.


Interfaces: ifMediaStreamer, ifIdentity, ifMessagePort

The ifMediaStreamer interface provides the following:

GetFailureReason() As String

SetPipeline(pipeline As String) As Boolean: Specifies a streaming pipeline. The source (a file URI)
and destination (an IP address) of the stream are specified in the passed stream. This method replaces the
SetSource() and SetDestination() methods from firmware version 4.7. To stream media as before, use the
filesimple source designation and the udpsimple/rtpsimple destination designations:

m = CreateObject("roMediaStreamer")
m.SetPipeline("filesimple:///data/clip.ts, udpsimple://")

Initialize() As Boolean: Progresses the pipeline into the INITIALIZED state. This allocates some resources
for the pipeline, but does not begin a stream.

Connect() As Boolean: Progresses the pipeline into the CONNECTED state. This allows the script to create a
memory stream without starting it.

Start() As Boolean: Begins streaming.