BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual

Page 251

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AsyncGetToString As Boolean: Begins a GET request to a string asynchronously. Events will be sent to the
message port associated with the object. If False is returned, then the request could not be issued and no events
will be delivered.

AsyncGetToFile(filename As String) As Boolean: Begins a GET request to a file asynchronously.
Events will be sent to the message port associated with the object. If False is returned, then the request could not
be issued and no events will be delivered.

EnableResume(enable As Boolean) As Boolean: Specifies the file-creation behavior of the GetToFile()

ASyncGetToFile() methods. If this method is set to False (the default setting), each download will generate

a temporary file: if the download is successful, the temporary file will be renamed to the specified filename; if the
download fails, the temporary file will be deleted. If this method is set to True, the file with the specified filename
will be created regardless of whether the download is successful or not—this allows the download to be resumed
by a subsequent

GetToFile() or ASyncGetToFile() call.

Head() As Object: Synchronously perform an HTTP HEAD request and return the resulting response code and
headers through an roUrlEvent object. In the event of catastrophic failure (e.g. an asynchronous operation is
already active), a null object is returned.

AsyncHead() As Boolean: Begins an ansynchronous HTTP HEAD request. Events will be sent to the message
port associated with the object. If the request could not be issued, the method will return False and will not deliver
any events.

PostFromString(request As String) As Integer: Uses the HTTP POST method to post the supplied
string to the current URL and return the response code. Any response body is discarded.

PostFromFile(filename As String) As Integer: Uses the HTTP POST method to post the contents of
the file specified to the current URL and then return the response code. Any response body is discarded.

AsyncPostFromString(request As String) As Boolean: Uses the HTTP POST method to post the
supplied string to the current URL. Events of type roUrlEvent will be sent to the message port associated with the
object. A False return indicates that the request could not be issued and no events will be delivered.

AsyncPostFromFile(filename As String) As Boolean: Uses the HTTP POST method to post the
contents of the specified file to the current URL. Events of the type roUrlEvent will be sent to the message port