Networking objects – BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual

Page 193

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roDatagramSender, roDatagramReceiver, roDatagramSocket, roDatagramEvent

The roDatagramSender and roDatagramReceiver objects allow for simple sending and receiving of unicast and broadcast
UDP packets. The roDatagramEvent object can be used to both send and receive UDP packets.


This object allows UDP packets to be sent to a specified destination.

Object Creation: The roDatagramSender object is created with no parameters.


Interfaces: ifDatagramSender

The ifDatagramSender interface provides the following:

SetDestination(destination_address As String, destination_port As Integer) As

Boolean: Specifies the destination IP address in dotted quad form along with the destination port. This function
returns True if successful.

Send(packet As Object) As Integer: Sends the specified data packet as a datagram. The packet may be
a string or an


. This method returns 0 upon success and a negative error code upon failure.

This example script broadcasts a single UDP packet containing "HELLO" to anyone on the network listening on port
sender = CreateObject("roDatagramSender")