BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
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sgn(x As Double) As Integer: Returns an integer representing how the float argument x is signed: -1 for
negative, 0 for zero, and 1 for positive.
sgnI(x As Integer) As Integer: Returns an integer representing how the integer argument x is signed: -1
for negative, 0 for zero, and 1 for positive.
sin(x As Double) As Double: Returns the sine of the argument x. The argument must be in radians. To
obtain the sine of x when x is in degrees, use
tan(x As Double) As Double: Returns the tangent of the argument x. The argument must be in radians. To
obtain the tangent of x when x is in degrees, use
sqr(x As Double) As Double: Returns the square root of the argument x. This function is the same as x^(1/2),
but calculates the result faster.
Left(target_string As String, n As Integer) As String: Returns the first n characters of the
specified string.
Right(target_string As String, n As Integer) As String: Returns the last n characters of the
specified string.
StringI(n As Integer, character As Integer) As String: Returns a string composed of a character
symbol repeated n times. The character symbol is passed to the method as an ASCII code integer.
String(n As Integer, character As String) As String: Returns a string composed of a character
symbol repeated n times. The character symbol is passed to the method as a string.
Mid(target_string As String, start_position As Integer, length As Integer) As String:
Returns a substring of the target string. The first integer passed to the method specifies the starting position of the
substring, and the second integer specifies the length of the substring. The start position of a string begins with 1.
instr(start_position As Integer, search_text As String, substring_to_find As String)
As Integer: Returns the position of a substring within a string. This function is case sensitive and returns 0 if the
specified substring is not found. The start position of a string begins with 1.
GetInterface(object As Object, ifname As String) As Interface: Returns a value of the type
Interface. All objects have one or more interfaces. In most cases, you can skip interface specification when calling
an object component. This will not cause problems as long as the method names within a function are unique.