Rotextwidget – BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
Page 91

This object is used to display text on the screen.
Object Creation: This object is created with several parameters.
CreateObject("roTextWidget", r As roRectangle, line_count As Integer, text_mode As
Integer, pause_time As Integer)
r : An roRectangle instance that contains the text
line_count: The number of lines of text to show within the rectangle
text_mode: The animation characteristics of the text:
o 0: An animated view similar to teletype
o 1: Static text
o 2: Simple text with no queue of strings
o 3: Smooth right-to-left scrolling ticker
pause_time: The length of time each string is displayed before displaying the next string. This does not apply to
text mode 2 or 3 because the strings on screen are updated immediately.
CreateObject("roTextWidget", r As roRectangle, line_count As Integer, text_mode As
Integer, array As roAssociativeArray)
r : An roRectangle that contains the text
line_count: The number of lines of text to show within the rectangle
text_mode: The animation characteristics of the text:
o 0: An animated view similar to teletype
o 1: Static text
o 2: Simple text with no queue of strings
o 3: Smooth right-to-left scrolling ticker (strings are separated by a diamond)