Creating and editing code clips – Adept DeskTop 4.3 User Manual
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Creating and Editing Code Clips
Use the Clip Editor to create new clips or edit existing code clips.
Figure 36 Clip File Editor
To open a create an new code clip:
1. From the Code Library toolbar, select Create a new library entry.
2. Fill in the fields described below and type or paste code into the Data field.
3. Click Ok to save this clip and add it to the Library.
To edit an existing code clip:
1. Select the code clip to edit in the Code Library list.
2. From the Code Library toolbar, select Edit Clip.
3. Alternatively, you can double-click on the Clip name to open the Clip Editor.
4. Enter the required modifications to the text fields in the Clip Editor and Ok to save the
Note:A clip does not require a '.PROGRAM' and '.END'. However, if either is used
in the clip, then both are required.