Adept DeskTop 4.3 User Manual
Page 34

Adept DeskTop 4.3 - Online Help
Save All Locations
Saves to file all location values currently in the selected program. The values are stored to the specified
destination, with the file extension 'lc.
Save All Strings
Saves to file all string values currently in the selected program. The values are stored to the specified
destination with the file extension 'st'.
Cut Program
Removes a selected program so it can be pasted to another module. If the program is not pasted
elsewhere, it is permanently deleted. Does not apply to MicroV+ systems.
Copy Program
Copies a program so it can be pasted to another module. Does not apply to MicroV+ systems.
Pastes (adds) the program to a selected module after a Cut Program or Copy Program operation. Does
not apply to MicroV+ systems.
Search and Replace
Opens a Search and Replace dialog that allows you to find and replace text in program files.
Permanently deletes the selected program so it can be pasted to another module.
Zero contents of controller memory
Clears from memory all programs and variables that have not been saved as well as any changes made
to programs and modules since the last 'Save'.
Enables you to rename a selected program. This function is not active on protected items.
Refreshes the list of programs in the Program Manager.
Opens Adept Online Help to the Program Manager section.
Refresh list of programs
Updates the list of modules and programs.
Related Topics
Using the Program Manager Control
Note:There is no 'undo' for the Zero Memory operation. A warning prompt is
displayed, with an option to cancel the operation, before this command is