Adept DeskTop 4.3 User Manual
Page 33

Adept DeskTop 4.3 - Online Help
Figure 15 Program Manager Toolbar and Context menu
Edit selected program
Opens a selected program in the Program Editor. If the program is already open, it becomes the active
program in the Program Editor. If there is an error in the program code, the icon changes to a question
mark to indicate this condition.
Create New Program
Opens the New Program dialog that asks for the new program name and module name. See
Open Program
Opens a existing program file and adds it tho the Program Manager. See
Save As...
Saves files to PC or Controller. See
for details and differences between
V+ and MicroV+ systems.
Save Module
Saves the module with the last filename used to load or save the module. If this file has been
previously saved, a dialog opens showed to ask for a filename. Unsaved modules appear in bold type in
Program Manager list. Does not apply to MicroV+ systems.
Save All Modules
Saves all modules currently in the Program Manager to the controller, with the last used filename. A
dialog opens for each filename that is not yet defined. Does not apply to MicroV+ systems.
Save All Reals
Saves to file all real values currently in the selected program. The values are stored to the specified
destination, with the file extension 'rv'.
Context menu