Adept DeskTop 4.3 User Manual
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Adept DeskTop 4.3 - Online Help
Enter, or select from the list at right, the Ethernet address of the controller to which you want to
connect. This appears only if the selected System Type is SmartController.
Enter, or select from the list at right, the COM port of the controller to which you want to connect. This
appears if the selected System Type is Cobra iSeries or Smart Axis.
Scans the network to find the ethernet address of available controller. Addresses found by the Scan
procedure are displayed in the list box.
Initiates the connection to the controller and closes the form. The status connection icon appears in the
Adept DeskTop status bar. See
Cancels changes and closes the form.
Figure 5 Connection Status Icon in the Status Bar
Address or Port of
the controller
Connection status icon:
Double-click to connect/