Adept DeskTop 4.3 User Manual
Page 56

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• You can have as many active debugging sessions as there are tasks. This feature allows you
to debug multiple tasks.
• The Watch Variable control assists in debugging programs. You can observe changes in the
values of variable as you step through the program. See the
for more details.
• Set breakpoints at a point of interest in a program where you want to pause the execution of
the program and observe the value of variables.
• An executing program will stop at a breakpoint and then wait for a command to step through
the code or resume execution.
• The corresponding keyword for a breakpoint is BPT.
To add and remove breakpoints in a program:
Breakpoints must be set after the first executable statement in a program. You cannot set a breakpoint
before the .PROGRAM statement, any AUTO and LOCAL statements, and all comments and blank lines
at the start of the program.
• In the Program Editor, click to the left of a code line, in the left margin of the editor window.
• The breakpoint is indicated by a dot and a highlighted line; similar to
. The color
may vary depending on personal preferences set in the Options form. See
• To remove a breakpoint, click on the breakpoint dot, at the left side of the line.
• You cannot add breakpoints before the first executable statement in the program.
• You cannot add or remove breakpoints in a program that is actively executing.
Figure 34 Breakpoints in a program
To step through a program using breakpoints:
1. When a execution of a program stops at a breakpoint the line is highlighted in yellow (default
color). The Program editor is in 'step' mode.
2. To continue the execution and debugging of the program in step mode, you must use one of the
following actions:
• Step into: Single steps into program lines. If it encounters a subroutine, it steps through the
subroutine, then continues stepping through the program.
Click at left of line to set/remove a breakpoint