Adept DeskTop 4.3 User Manual

Page 38

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Adept DeskTop 4.3 - Online Help


• Select a program in the list, then click the Edit Program toolbar or context menu.

• You can also double-click on a program in the list to open it in the Program Editor.

Assigning a Program to a Task

• To assign a program to a task, select a program and drag it onto a task in the Task Manager.

From there you can use the Task Manager operations to modify or manage the task.

Renaming a Program

• To rename a program, select a program and then select Rename from the context menu or

click F2. Alternatively, you can click on the program name in the list.

• When the name of the program is edited, the arguments and the parentheses are removed

and only the name can be modified. The arguments and the parentheses are added back
after editing.

• If you want to modify or remove arguments that appear after the program name, you must

open the program in the Program Editor and modify or remove the arguments in the code.

Related Topics

Creating a New Program

Saving Programs and Modules

Using the Task Manager Control