100g interlaken ip core parameter settings, Number of lanes, 100g interlaken ip core parameter settings -1 – Altera 100G Interlaken MegaCore Function User Manual
Page 25: Number of lanes -1
100G Interlaken IP Core Parameter Settings
You customize the 100G Interlaken IP core by specifying parameters in the 100G Interlaken parameter
editor, which you access from the Quartus II IP Catalog.
This chapter describes the parameters and how they affect the behavior of the IP core. To customize your
100G Interlaken IP core, you can modify parameters to specify the following properties:
on page 3-2
Transceiver Reference Clock Frequency
on page 3-2
Include Advanced Error Reporting and Handling
on page 3-3
Include In-Band Flow Control Block
on page 3-5
on page 3-5
on page 3-6
Number of Lanes
The Number of lanes parameter specifies the number of lanes available for Interlaken communication.
The supported values are 12 and 24.
The default value of the Number of lanes parameter is 12.
The 100G Interlaken MegaCore function supports various combinations of number of lanes and lane
rates. Ensure that your parameter settings specify a supported combination.
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