Simulating the100g interlaken ip core, Integrating your ip core in your design, Pin assignments – Altera 100G Interlaken MegaCore Function User Manual

Page 16: Simulating the100g interlaken ip core -6, Integrating your ip core in your design -6, Pin assignments -6

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Simulating the100G Interlaken IP Core

You can simulate your 100G Interlaken MegaCore function variation using any of the vendor-specific

IEEE encrypted functional simulation models which are generated in the new <instance name>_sim

subdirectory of your project directory.
The 100G Interlaken MegaCore function supports the Synopsys VCS, Cadence NC Sim, and Mentor

Graphics Modelsim-SE simulators.
The 100G Interlaken IP core generates only a Verilog HDL simulation model and testbench. The IP core

parameter editor appears to offer you the option of generating a VHDL simulation model, but this IP core

does not support a VHDL simulation model or testbench.
For more information about functional simulation models for Altera IP cores, refer to the Simulating

Altera Designs chapter in volume 3 of the Quartus II Handbook.
If you specify the models are in Verilog HDL when you parameterize your IP core variation, the Quartus

II software generates a testbench which demonstrates the resetting, clocking, and toggling of the

100G Interlaken IP core user interfaces.

Related Information

100G Interlaken IP Core Testbench

on page 7-1

When you generate the IP core, the Quartus II software generates a testbench.

Simulating Altera Designs

Integrating Your IP Core in Your Design

After you generate your 100G Interlaken IP core variation, you can instantiate it in the RTL for your

design. When you integrate your IP core instance in your design, you must pay attention to the following


Pin Assignments

When you integrate your 100G Interlaken MegaCore function instance in your design, you must make

appropriate pin assignments. You do not need to specify pin assignments for simulation. However, you

should make the pin assignments before you compile, to provide direction to the Quartus II Fitter and to

specify the signals that should be assigned to device pins.
You can create a virtual pin to avoid making specific pin assignments for top-level signals while you are

simulating and not ready to map the design to hardware. Do not create virtual pins for clock or Interlaken

link data signals.
For the Arria 10 device family, you must configure a PLL external to the 100G Interlaken IP core. The

required number of PLLs depends on the distribution of your Interlaken lane data pins in the different

A10 transceiver blocks.

Related Information

Quartus II Help

For information about the Quartus II software, including virtual pins.


Simulating the100G Interlaken IP Core



Altera Corporation

Getting Started With the 100G Interlaken IP Core

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