Altera SerialLite II IP Core User Manual

Page 103

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Chapter 5: Testbench


Example Testbench – Verilog HDL

January 2014

Altera Corporation

SerialLite II MegaCore Function

User Guide

Table 5–12

shows and explains a demonstration testbench main section example,

allowing you to easily modify the testbench. You can change the packet size, port
address, number of packets, and so on, or force certain behavior.


This example testbench may not match your testbench exactly.

Table 5–12. Example of a Demonstration Testbench (Part 1 of 5)

Main Section



Start of the testbench main section; the only section
intended to be modified.

integer pkt_cnt_dat_dut;

integer pkt_cnt_pri_dut;

integer pkt_cnt_dat_sis;

integer pkt_cnt_pri_sis;

Declare packet counters.



//Define the number of packets / streaming bytes

to be sent



integer packets_to_send; initial packets_to_send

= 5;

integer streaming_bytes; initial streaming_bytes

= 1500;



Defines the number of packets (5) or streaming bytes
(1,500) to be sent.

initial begin


Main initial block.

exp_tc_cnt = 1;

Sets expectation for the number of test cases (checks);
this number must match the number of tc_start/tc_end
pairs in the testbench, otherwise the testbench is declared

err_limit = 0;

Sets expectation for the number of errors.


Testcase start.

wait (reset_n == 1);

Waiting for the reset to complete; the reset is asserted in a
separate initial block.

// initialize packet counters

pkt_cnt_dat_dut = packets_to_send;

Sets the number of packets to be sent to the regular data
port of the DUT MegaCore function.

pkt_cnt_pri_dut = packets_to_send;

Sets the number of packets to be sent to the high priority
port of the DUT MegaCore function.

pkt_cnt_dat_sis = packets_to_send;

Sets the number of packets to be sent to the regular data
port of the SISTER MegaCore function.

pkt_cnt_pri_sis = packets_to_send;

Sets the number of packets to be sent to the high priority
port of the SISTER MegaCore function.

wait (linked_up == 1);

Wait for DUT and SISTER to go into link-up.