Pitney Bowes MapInfo Vertical Mapper User Manual
Page 194

Vertical Mapper 3.7
This diagram illustrates the To Your Location viewing mode.
The Camera Angle box enables you to set the width of the view-scene in degrees. It allows you to
control the field of view similar to using a wide-angle lens on a camera. Using a smaller angle will
result in seeing less of the grid.
The Center button enables you to restore all default viewing settings.
The Looking From section defines the x-, y- and z- coordinates of the location that the viewer is
looking from. The x, y coordinate pair specifies the surface position, and the z-value specifies the
distance above or below the surface elevation. These values must be expressed in the units of the
coordinate system being used by the master grid. The default x-coordinate corresponds to the
geographic centre of the master grid. The default y-coordinate defaults to 2.5 times the horizontal
distance of the master grid. The default z-coordinate is the lowest value in the master grid. You can
modify these settings by entering a new value in the edit dialog box or by moving the slider bar to the
left or right. When the slider bar is in use (indicated by the dashed line around it), the arrow keys can
be used to modify this value.
The Angle section contains view settings. Initially this section is unavailable because the default is
the From and To viewing mode.
Azimuth is the angle in the x, y plane at which you view the grid. Depending on the viewing
mode, this setting will behave differently. For example, when the From and To mode is chosen,
the Azimuth setting is not available. When you choose the From Your Location mode, the
azimuth is the direction the viewer is looking to, with respect to true north, from the viewing
location. Therefore, a value of zero degrees will rotate the viewing direction so that the viewer is
looking north. Likewise, a value of 90 degrees will rotate the viewing direction to the east, 180
degrees to the south, and 270 degrees to the west. This is illustrated in the next figure. When the
To Your Location mode is chosen, the azimuth is the direction the viewer is looking toward, with
respect to true north, in relation to the focus point. The focus point is the location on the grid that
is being viewed and is specified by the Looking To setting. Therefore if the looking to location is
the centre of the grid, then a value of zero degrees will place the viewer in the north looking
south. Likewise, a value of 90 degrees places the viewer in the east looking west; a value of 180
degrees places the viewer in the south looking north; and a value of 270 degrees places the
viewer in the west looking east. This is illustrated in the next two figures.