Control keys, Basic functions of control keys, Toshiba – Toshiba LF494 User Manual
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6 F 8 A 0 7 7 4
■ Control Keys
Changing the operation mode, checking or changing parameters can be done with these keys.
To operate these keys, you have to open the converter housing cover. Observe the following
precautions when you open the housing cover:
rnnetions of each control key when pressed are shown in the table l>clow.
Control keys
Basic functions of control keys
Oocs into the iteins sdeetion aeijucTice.
K, 00 n/s
Al'.EX. CUftR
lit). 0 Ï
'------- /
.selection sequence
Ones into the dct^Mcel-ltcni specifying sequence for each selcctetl iicin in
measarement, setting or calihralion modes.
Al :£i, CJRR.
selection sequence
measurement mode
Stores the sclcct
: Bl:UfllT 1 r — N B1 :UNIT 1 % % status of chairging the data Status of finish changing Changes itenrs (alphabet letter and number) in the items selection sequence, and changes parameters (numbers andi'or units) in the detailed-item specifying C2:RA^G£ 1 02. 000 in/s date;[J,2UUOm/s C?:RANGE 1 03. OOO ñ / % darctoOOOm/s Starts and stops the totali/er in the incasurement mode. (Note) F lOCO ,----- \ F tool ID' C 100.0 % w 1 ÛR. 0 % step the totali/cr start the totalizer Changes digits (alphabet letter and number) in the items selection sequence, D1: DAMPING 00 s s D1 : DAHPINO 00. 5 S setting mode siaitjs of finish changing Moves the cursor frocn Ictl Iti right (from the right end reverts to the left end) in Gl : COUNT RATE 1 —A Cl: COUNT SATE 1. 23£-4 * —/ [. 23E-4 m’ Indicate cursor un^er ‘ I ’ Indicate cursor under Resets the iotaligcr in the measurenient cnodc. (Nutgl F '000 C 1 ----\ F 0 m* c 0 0 . 0 1 £ 1 — / TOO 0 X start the tiitaiizer reset the totalizer Note: To operate the totalizer, it is preterabk U> set the indicating unit (UNIT I and/or UNIT 2) to one of the units appropriate for totalization just to make sure it is operating eorreclly. See 10.2, "Totalizer and Pulse Output/' - 3 3 -
sequence in measurcnient« selling nr calibration nnodes.
and starts the detailed-item specifying sequence by indicating the left-most
digit with the cursor_______