Other subscriptions, Faa chart data, Gofly xm weather – BendixKing AV8OR Ace - Users Guide User Manual
Page 418: Godrive automotive maps, Other subscriptions: -24, Faa chart data -24, Gofly xm weather: -24, Godrive automotive maps -24

Honeywell Bendix/King AV8OR Ace User’s Guide
Appendix D200904000003
Page 6-24
Rev 3 Mar 2012
Honeywell International Inc. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell
Other Subscriptions:
VFR and IFR Chart Data subscriptions for the GoFly
program are available from Seattle Avionics
Included in the IFR subscription are geo-referenced IFR Low
and High Altitude Enroute Charts, geo-referenced approach
plates and airport diagrams, Mins, Arrival Procedures, and
Departure Procedures. IFR subscriptions are available for
both American and European Airspace.
The VFR subscription includes geo-referenced VFR
Sectionals for all 50 states in the USA.
Once subscribed, an automatic charts download utility called
the “Data Manager” will need to be installed on your home
computer. The data manager automatically downloads the
subscribed chart data and updates your AV8OR ACE any
time that it is plugged into your PC via the USB cable. Refer
to the Seattle Avionics website for more information about
the Chart Data subscription and the Data Manager software.
Call WxWorx at 1-800-985-9200 to purchase an XM Weather
subscription. The XM weather subscription options are available on
the WxWorx website at wxworx.com.
Automotive maps are provided by Nav-n-Go. Map and
software updates are available at naviextras.com. One free
automotive database update is available upon purchase of
an AV8OR system or SD card which includes automotive
mapping after 1/1/10. For any GoDrive and automotive
mapping support issues, visit Nav-n-Go at naviextras.com.