Table 2-11 messages -166 – BendixKing AV8OR Ace - Users Guide User Manual
Page 210

Honeywell Bendix/King AV8OR Ace User’s Guide
Aviation Mode Operation
Page 2-166
Rev 3 Mar 2012
Honeywell International Inc. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell
Table 2-11 Messages
Message Text Cause
Airspace Alert
[followed by name,
type and limits of
When airspace alerting has been
enabled and the aircraft is within the
alerting zone
Inside SUA [followed
by name, type and
limits of airspace]
When airspace alerting has been
enabled and the aircraft is inside the
Internal GPS failure
When the internal GPS is configured
but no data is being received from it
Nav data Referenced
to True North
When the operator has elected to use a
manually input magnetic variation offset
Nav data Referenced
to User-Defined Mag
When the operator has elected to use a
manually input magnetic variation rather
than AUTO
Unit Configuration
validation errors
found, values set to
Some System setting were out of range
and were set to defaults
User setting
validation errors
found, values set to
Some User settings were out of range
and were set to defaults
Unit Configuration
cleared to Defaults
The System settings NVM could not be
used so default settings were used
All User Settings
cleared to Defaults
The User settings NVM could not be
used so default settings were used
Failed to save user
All attempts to save & back up
User/System/Volatile data failed.
Unit History Data
cleared to Defaults
The Volatile settings NVM could not be
used so default settings were used