11 show telnet, 12 show telnetcon, 4 secure shell (ssh) command – Kontron AT8402 CLI User Manual

Page 200: 1 ip ssh, 11 show telnet - 10 5.3.12 show telnetcon - 10, 4 secure shell (ssh) command - 10, Ip ssh - 10, Management commands at8402

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Management Commands


AT8402 CLI Reference Manual

Page 5 - 10

Connection From IP address of the Telnet client machine or EIA-232 for the serial

port connection.

Idle Time

Time this session has been idle.

Session Time Total time this session has been connected.


show telnet

This command displays the current outbound Telnet settings. In other words, these

settings apply to Telnet connections initiated from the switch to a remote system.

show telnet


Privileged EXEC

Outbound Telnet Login Timeout The number of minutes an outbound Telnet session

is allowed to remain inactive before being logged off.

Maximum Number of Outbound Telnet Sessions The number of simultaneous out-

bound Telnet connections allowed.

Allow New Outbound Telnet Sessions Indicates whether outbound Telnet sessions

will be allowed.


show telnetcon

This command displays the current inbound Telnet settings. In other words, these

settings apply to Telnet connections initiated from a remote system to the switch.

show telnetcon


Privileged EXEC


Remote Connection Login Timeout (minutes) This object indicates the number of

minutes a remote connection session is allowed to remain inactive
before being logged off. May be specified as a number from 1 to 160.
The factory default is 5.

Maximum Number of Remote Connection Sessions This object indicates the num-

ber of simultaneous remote connection sessions allowed. The factory
default is 5.

Allow New Telnet Sessions New Telnet sessions will not be allowed when this field

is set to no. The factory default value is yes.


Secure Shell (SSH) Command

This section describes the commands you use to configure SSH access to the switch.

Use SSH to access the switch from a remote management host.

NOTE: The system allows a maximum of 5 SSH sessions.


ip ssh

Use this command to enable SSH access to the system.