Metrohm 789 Robotic Sample Processor XL User Manual

Page 84

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3.4 Commands


Metrohm Sample Processor, Operation

next, prev. – from the current rack position the next highest (next) or

the next lowest (prev.) will be moved to. Special beaker positions will be

skipped. If MOVE next is used at the highest rack position then the

move will be made to position 1. If MOVE prev. is used at rack position

1 then the highest possible position will be moved to.
absolute positioning – the numbered rack position will always be

moved to, even when this is a reserved special beaker position.
relative positioning
– If a numerical rack position is given with a posi-

tive or negative sign then the selected rack position will always be rela-

tive to the value of the SAMPLE variable, i.e. to the current sample



In a method sequence a MOVE command will move the lift (or both

lifts) automatically to the shifting position.

After execution of the functions

+/-swing or +/-rotate the lift can be

moved without restrictions. No defined rack position is required. Thus

it is possible to cause damages if the lift is lowered without precau-

tions. These functions must be used with great care.

The direction of rotation is normally selected automatically by the Sam-

ple Processor. In the parameter menu under

>changer settings

the di-

rection and speed of rotation can be defined specifically for particular

methods. These can also be altered in a sequence with the corre-

sponding DEF command.
If no beaker is present at the selected rack position then this will be

recognized by the beaker sensor of the particular tower and the appro-

priate reaction will take place.

The reaction of the Sample Processors to a missing beaker can be de-

fined in the parameter menu under

>changer settings

. You can

choose between interrupting the run with an error message or selecting

the next rack position (see p. 68). If a special beaker is missing the run

will always be interrupted.

If a robotic arm with a tactile piezo sensor is installed and in use, a

'MOVE sample' command will automatically run the lift to work position.

This is for the sensing of the sample beaker.

This manual is related to the following products: