1 titrino – Metrohm 789 Robotic Sample Processor XL User Manual

Page 137

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6.2 Standard methods

Metrohm Sample Processor, Annex


6.2.1 Titrino

This is a universal method for carrying out automated titrations directly

in the sample beaker. It is extremely suitable for use as a template for

further methods.

Required instruments and cables:

• Metrohm titrator (Titrino or Titrando with 6.2148.010 Remote Box)

• Metrohm 802 Rod Stirrer or 741 Magnetic Stirrer

• 6.2141.020 Remote cable

The method can be used with or without a 786 Swing Head on the

Sample Processor.

Special features:

After the titration the electrode is rinsed in the sample beaker (rinsing

position). The rinsing position at Lift 1 must be set in the rack configura-

tion so that the electrode is not immersed in the sample solution. An in-

ternal or external pump is required for rinsing.

789 Sample Proc. XL 11122 5.789.0011


method Titrino

number of samples: rack

>start sequence


>sample sequence

1 MOVE 1 : sample

2 LIFT: 1 : work mm

3 STIR: T1 : ON s

4 CTL:Rm: START device1

5 SCN:Rm : End1

6 STIR: T1 : OFF s

7 LIFT: 1 : rinse mm

8 PUMP 1.1 : 5 s

9 WAIT: pause 3 s

>final sequence

1 MOVE 1 : spec.1

2 LIFT: 1 : work mm

>changer settings

rack name: *

lift rate T1 25 mm/s

lift rate T2 25 mm/s

shift rate 20°/s

shift direction: auto

swing rate T1 55°/s

swing rate T2 55°/s

on beaker error: MOVE

>stirring rates

stirrer tower 1 3

stirrer tower 2 3

stirrer MSB1 3

stirrer MSB2 3

stirrer MSB3 3

>Dosing unit def.

>timeout settings

SCAN timeout: OFF min

on SCAN timeout: error

>manual stop

CTL Rmt: STOP device*

CTL RS232:

PUMP: cont.

- Report header with instrument ID and program version

- Method name

- No. of samples (here whole sample rack)
- Initialize Remote interface

- Move to sample

- Run lift to working height

- Switch on stirrer at Tower 1

- Start titrator

- Wait for end of titration

- Switch off stirrer at Tower 1

- Run lift to rinsing height

- Rinse electrode for 5 seconds

- Allow electrode to drip

- Move to conditioning beaker

- Run lift to working height
----- Settings for Sample Processor functions -----

------ Stirring rates -----------------

-------- Settings for dosing devices----------------

-------- Settings for interface timeout ------

-------- Reaction to manual stop ---------------

- Stop titrator

- Do not alter pump status

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