Metrohm 790 Personal IC User Manual

Page 108

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4.4 Methods

790 Personal IC



Start time for integration event in min.


List box with integration events to be selected

(see below).

Integration events

Disable detection

Set this mode to stop detection of new peaks. If

a peak is available at the moment of the event it

is either terminated (down slope peaks) or re-

jected (upslope peaks).

Enable detection


Disable detection


Set peak start

Force the beginning of a new peak. If a peak is

available at the moment of the event it is either

rejected (upslope) or terminated (down slope).

Set peak end

Force peak end at the time of the event. Up-

slope peaks are rejected (except those born by

Set peak start

event), down slope peaks are ter-


Enable valley-to-valley

Disable valley-to-valley

Enable valley-to-valley

Disable perpendicular drop peak separation. All

peaks are considered to be baseline-separa-

ted. The bottom of the valley becomes the

baseline point.

Disable valley-to-valley

Enable perpendicular drop peak separation

(default setting).