Bowers Group Sylvac D100S Readouts User Manual

Page 46

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- UP

= retraction of probes using D110/D110V.


= return motion of probes using D110/D110V.

- OUT 1

= activates automatic output of values:
- in normal measurement mode:
each displayed value is also transmitted to RS232 output.
In this case, the transmission speed at 9600 bauds is:
in 0.0001 mm/0.000 01

IN = 3 trans. per sec.

in 0.001 mm/0.000 1

IN = 7 trans. per sec.

in 0.01 mm/0.001

IN = 12 trans. per sec.

in 0.1 mm/0.01

IN = 13 trans. per sec.

- in scanning mode display is inhibited (OUTPUT MODE is displayed). Scanning is conti-
nuous and the values are automatically transmitted as well as the status of the external
contact at the end of transmission, for EXT 8 mode.
in 0.0001 mm/0.000 01

IN = 2 trans. per sec.

in 0.001 mm/ 0.000 1

IN = 3 trans. per sec.

in 0.01 mm/0.001

IN = 4 trans. per sec.

in 0.1 mm/0.01

IN = 4 trans. per sec.

- OUT 0

= disables this mode.

- IDE or ID?

= identification of instrument --> the unit responds "SYLVAC D100S date V1.0" (V1.0 =
firmware version)

Errors codes transmitted by the D100S unit:

- ERR 1

= parity error of received message

- ERR 2

= syntax error of received message

- ERR 3

= content of RAM memory lost

4/ Programming on an IBM PC or compatible computer

An application diskette for communication with PC can be obtained from a Sylvac agent. This diskette includes a
demonstration program written in Pascal for data acquisition and remote command of D100S unit.

Basic (QBASIC), supplied with all PCs, is the most simple language to use. Below are 2 examples of programs written
in this language found on the diskette:

a/ acquisition of one measured value:

10 CLS

clear screen

20 OPEN "COM1:4800, E,7,1, CS, DS, CD" AS#1 selects communication port 1 of computer and the following trans-

mission parameters: 4800 bauds, even parity, 7 bits/car., 1 stop bit.
CS inhibits time-out control of CTS line (Clear to Send), DS for DSR
line (Data Set Ready) and CD for CD line (Carrier Detect).

30 IF INKEY$ <> "" THEN 80

program stops if any key is pressed

40 IF LOC(1) = 0 THEN 30

wait if RS232 input buffer is empty

50 LINE INPUT#1 , A$

inputs one complete line up to CR


displays value transmitted by D100S

70 GOTO 30

ready for new entry

80 END