92 appendices, Table tuner Page 92
Page 92

Patch Change
When transmitted: Transmits the patch number. DATA: Patch Number
When received: Changes the Patch. DATA: Patch Number
Data size is fixed at 2 bytes.
Upon receiving RQ1, the GS-10 replies with the patch number.
Request size to the GS-10 at this time is fixed at 2 bytes (set at 00 00 00 02).
Patch Write
When received: After the patch is written, the patch is switched to the received patch number, and the Current Patch is output.
Current Patch
When received: Current patch number is transmitted (only when RQ1 is received).
When transmitted: DATA: 01H is transmitted.
When received: Initial value is set if DATA: 01H is received.
Data size is fixed at 1 byte.
AMP Ch Copy
When transmitted: Copy-destination amp channel is transmitted.
When received: Copy-destination amp channel is received.
Data size is fixed at 1 byte.
Quick Fx Number
When transmitted: Quick Fx number is transmitted. DATA: Quick Fx Number
When received: Quick Fx number is changed. DATA: Quick Fx Number
Data size is fixed at 1 byte.
Quick Fx Count
Number of Quick Fx in each Effect block.
Request size is fixed at 1 byte (set at 00 00 00 01).
Mode 01H: TUNER Mode
02H: METER Mode
00H: exit (Play Mode)
* In TUNER mode: Pitch, Note data transmitted.
* In METER mode: METER POINT data transmitted.
During TAP operations: Delay Time, Delay Time (Fine) transmitted (when setting BPM: Master BPM transmitted).
The GS-10 can use two methods of communication; Individual Parameter and Bulk Dump.
Bulk data can be received when the Bulk Load Ready function is accessed in “MIDI:Bulk Load” screen (System mode).
Although individual data can be received at any time, be sure to appropriately describe the value for one parameter in one packet [F0...F7].
Do not use an address appended with “#” as the first address.
Do not specify an odd-number address for Quick Fx Data, SYSTEM:MIDI Program Map.
Parameters for which Size is 2 or higher should not be separated; make sure these are sent in the same packet.
Parameters with Size of 2 or higher transmitted from the specified addresses in sequence, from MSB to LSB.
Output of Quick Fx Name and EFFECT CHAIN is fixed as 12 bytes.
Address(H) Size(H) Data(H) Parameter Description
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 - 0A TUNER Pitch 00 : 435Hz
01 : 436Hz
0A : 445Hz
00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 - 01 TUNER Out 00 : Mute
01 : Bypass
Address(H) Size(H) Data(H) Parameter Description
01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 - 04 OUTPUT Select 00 : LINE/PHONES
03 : COMBO Return
04 : STACK Return