ETC Alex M Alex MX User Manual

Page 42

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Menu page 1: Intensities

The menu pages

– 42 –

Alex M



Menu page 1: Intensities

Menu page 1, Intensities, constantly displays the current output levels for
all dimmer channels in a bar chart.

Fig. 29: Menu page 1,
Intensities, for a
configuration with 12 dim-
mers. When there are
6 dimmers, you will, of
course, only see six channel-
specific indicators (e.g. bars).

Output level display

Menu page 1, Intensities, constantly displays the current output levels for
all dimmer channels in a bar chart. Each bar is split into two:

Left half (solid)

Contribution made by other, external devices (DMX or
analog) to the output level

Right half

Contribution made internally by Alex M to the output
level (stored presets, chases).

The output value displayed is always whichever of the external and the
internal contributions is the higher.