ETC Unison Paradigm Virtual Touchscreen User Manual
E t c, Unison, Paradigm

S e t u p G u i d e
Virtual Touchscreen
Paradigm Virtual Touchscreen Setup Guide
Page 1 of 8
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Copyright © 2013 ETC. All Rights Reserved.
Product information and specifications subject to change.
Rev B
Released 2013-11
ETC intends this document to be provided in its entirety.
The Unison Paradigm Virtual Touchscreen (VTS) is a stand-alone client application that allows all of the
functionality of a Paradigm Touchscreen from any PC or Mac connected by Ethernet to the Paradigm
Central Control Server (P-CCS) network. Virtual Touchscreen functionality is only possible for systems
that utilize a Paradigm Central Control Server.
Paradigm Virtual Touchscreen configurations are created in ControlDesigner and assigned functionality
in LightDesigner.
To install the Paradigm Virtual Touchscreen client application, you must have the following:
• Paradigm Server Project System with Central Control Server
• Computer running Windows
XP, Windows 7/8, or Intel based Macintosh running iOS 10.7 or
later, with web browser and connected to the same Ethernet network as the P-CCS.
Install the VTS Application
VTS for Mac
The Macintosh version of Virtual Touchscreen client application can be downloaded from the ETC
website at The VTS application for Mac is a “paradigm_vts_....._installer.dmg”
file type.
Step 1:
Double click the paradigm installer file downloaded from the ETC website to begin the
installation. The MacVtsInstaller.pkg icon displays.
Step 2:
Double click the MacVtsInstaller.pkg icon to launch the Paradigm VTS installer.
Step 3:
Click [Continue], the Paradigm VTS software license agreement displays.
Step 4:
Read the license, then click [Agree] to continue the installer.
Step 5:
Select the destination folder for the application. ETC recommends installing the Paradigm
VTS application in its default location. Click [Install] to complete the installation.
Step 6:
The installation is complete and the software installed, click the [Close] button to close
the dialog.
VTS for PC
The PC version of Virtual Touchscreen client application can be either downloaded from the ETC
website at or downloaded from the built-in web interface of the connected
Paradigm Central Control Server (P-CCS).
Install VTS PC Client from P-CCS
Step 1:
To view the P-CCS web interface, make certain the computer is connected and
configured to the same network as the P-CCS.
Step 2:
Launch the computers web browser (Internet Explorer 7 or newer, Safari, etc.).
Step 3:
Enter the product IP address of the P-CCS in the address line of the browser. The P-CCS
is provided with a default IP address ( from the factory. If your installation