Det-Tronics EQP Fire and Gas Detection/Releasing System User Manual
Page 24

EQ211xPS, EQ213xPS and EQ217xPS Power Supplies
Refer to Table 3-3A for Power Supply ratings.
Backup Battery
Refer to Table 3-4 or 3-5 to calculate the minimum
size of the backup battery (in amp hours). Select a
sealed lead-acid battery with an adequate amp hour
Connect two batteries in series for 24 volts.
Batteries must be protected from physical damage.
The battery installation shall be adequately
Battery Charger
Use the following formula to calculate the minimum
battery charger size:
Care should be taken when considering the final
voltage at the device during AC power loss. With
loss of AC power, the device voltage will drop
over time as the batteries lose their charge. If
extended periods of AC power loss are to be
expected, either consider a heavier wire gauge
or specify batteries with higher amp-hour ratings.
Table 3-3A—EQ21xxPS Power Supply Specifications
Minimum = Alarm Current + Total Amp Hours
Charge Rate
Power Supply
EQ2110PS/EQ2111PS EQ2130PS/EQ2131PS EQ2175PS/EQ2176PS
Input Voltage
120 vac
120/208/240 vac
120/208/240 vac
Input Current
4 Amps
11/6/6 Amps
24/15/12 Amps
Input Frequency
60 Hz – EQ2110PS
60 Hz – EQ2130PS
60 Hz – EQ2175PS
Input Frequency
50 Hz – EQ2111PS
50 Hz – EQ2131PS
50 Hz – EQ2176PS
Supply Rating
10 Amps
30 Amps
75 Amps
Maximum Alarm Current
10 Amps
30 Amps
75 Amps
Maximum Standby Current
3.33 Amps
10 Amps
25 Amps
Recharge Current
6.67 Amps
20 Amps
50 Amps
Minimum Battery Capacity**
40 AmpHours
120 AmpHours
300 AmpHours
Maximum Battery Capacity
100 AmpHours
300 AmpHours
750 AmpHours
Maximum Deluge Standby Current*
1 Amp
3 Amps
7.5 Amps
*Only applies to 90 hour back-up applications.
**Use a battery with a maximum charge rate that exceeds 25% of the rating of the power supply.