Det-Tronics EQP Fire and Gas Detection/Releasing System User Manual
Page 137

Performance Testing to EN 60079-29-1: 2007 and EN 60079-29-4: 2010
The measuring function of the EQ3XXX Controller, according to Annex II paragraph 1.5.5, 1.5.6 and 1.5.7 of the
Directive 94/9/EC, was covered in this Type Examination Certificate in the following configurations:
1. Controller Model EQ3XXX with EQ3710AIM or EQ3700DCIO or EQ3730EDIO or EQ22XXDCU (tested as a stand-
alone control unit with a calibrated linear 4-20mA simulator input signal or relay contacts (as applicable).
2. Controller Model EQ3XXX with EQ22xxDCUEX and STB and CGS (tested as a gas detection system with methane
applied to the CGS).
3. Controller Model EQ3XXX with CTB and PIRECL (tested as a gas detection system with methane applied to the
4. Controller Model EQ3XXX with UD10/DCU Emulator and CGS Conditioning Board, in combination with the
Det-Tronics gas sensor Model CGS (tested as a gas detection system with methane applied to the CGS).
5. Controller Model EQ3XXX with OPECL.
For the ATEX certified Eagle Quantum Premier System field devices EQ22XXDCU and EQ22XXDCUEX, the
following Special Condition for Safe Use applies:
The field devices EQ22XXDCU and EQ22XXDCUEX have an ambient temperature rating for performance of –40°C to
Important note
All applied gas detectors must be ATEX certified to EN60079-29-1/-4 and the configuration must comply with
the gas performance parameters stated in the Installation Manual.