Det-Tronics EQP Fire and Gas Detection/Releasing System User Manual
Page 129

Table A-1—Circuit Classifications-Continued
signaling Path
nfPa 72: 2010 supervision
Discrete I/O, Input (software configurable)
Unsupervised per ANSI/NFPA 72, Cl. 10.17.1, Exception # &
Initiating Device Circuit (IDC): Class B
Discrete I/O, Output (software configurable)
Unsupervised per ANSI/NFPA 72, Cl. 10.17.1, Exception # &
Notification Appliance Circuit (NAC): Class B
Supervised Solenoids:
Single open or ground-fault per ANSI/NFPA 72, Cl. 10.17.1.
Group B: ASCO T8210A107
Group D: ASCO 8210G207
Group E: Skinner 73218BN4UNLVNOC111C2
Group F: Skinner 73212BN4TNLVNOC322C2
Group G: Skinner 71395SN2ENJ1NOH111C2
Group H: Viking HV-274-060-7
Analog Input Module (SIL or Non-SIL)
Initiating Device Circuit (IDC): Class B
IDC Input
Initiating Device Circuit (IDC): Class B
IDCGF Input (Channel 2 only)
Unsupervised per ANSI/NFPA 72, Cl. 10.17.1, Exception # &
SAM Output
ARM Output
Notification Appliance Circuit (NAC): Class B
Supervised Solenoids:
Single open or ground-fault per ANSI/NFPA 72, Cl. 10.17.1
Group B: ASCO T8210A107
Group D: ASCO 8210G207
Group E: Skinner 73218BN4UNLVNOC111C2
Group F: Skinner 73212BN4TNLVNOC322C2
Group G: Skinner 71395SN2ENJ1NOH111C2
Group H: Viking 11601
ASH Loop (Smoke & Heat Loop)
Signaling Line Circuit (SLC): Class A or Class B (single spur)
ASH Loop (Smoke & Heat Loop) with Isolators
Signaling Line Circuit (SLC): Class X
ASH Loop (Smoke & Heat Loop) with Isolators
Signaling Line Circuit (SLC): Class B (single spur)
ASH - Addressable Smoke and Heat Module
Input (software configurable)
Unsupervised per ANSI/NFPA 72, Cl. 10.17.1,
Exception # & #
Initiating Device Circuit (IDC): Class A
ASH - Addressable Smoke and Heat Module
Input - Smoke detector inputs
Initiating Device Circuit (IDC): Class A (Apollo)
ASH - Addressable Smoke and Heat Module
Output (software configurable)
Unsupervised per ANSI/NFPA 72, Cl. 10.17.1,
Exception # & #
Notification Appliance Circuit (Apollo): Class A