Settings tab buttons – Apple Compressor 3 User Manual
Page 94

You use the Settings tab (together with the Inspector window) to create, modify, or delete
settings, as well as create group folders for multiple settings. You can also create Droplets
from the Settings tab.
The Settings tab contains a list of the existing settings and the necessary buttons to add,
remove, or duplicate a setting and create groups and Droplets.
Duplicate Selected
Setting button
Settings list
“Create a New
Setting Group” button
An example setting
Click the disclosure
triangles to show
or hide a setting
group’s contents.
“Save Selection
as Droplet” button
Delete Selected
Settings button
“Create a New
Setting” button
Settings Tab Buttons
The following buttons are located along the top of the Settings tab.
• Create a New Setting Group: Click to create a folder where you can group existing
settings. Use this button as a way to organize your settings into some sort of logical
order, keeping the Settings tab easy to navigate. Once settings have been created, you
can assign a whole group of settings to a source media file (by dragging it onto the
source file in the Batch window) or you can create a Droplet containing multiple settings.
for more information.
• Save Selection as Droplet: Click to create a Droplet from an existing setting or group of
settings. Droplets allow you to transcode a media file by simply dragging one or more
source media files over the Droplet icon. Once you have selected your setting or group
and clicked the “Save Selection as Droplet” button, the Save dialog asks you to name
your Droplet, choose a location for it, and choose a destination folder for the relevant
output media files. Once you complete this dialog, your Droplet is ready and you can
drag as many files as you want to its icon. See
for more information
about Droplets.
Chapter 7
Creating, Previewing, and Modifying Settings