Apple Compressor 3 User Manual

Page 231

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To configure the MPEG-4 output to include podcasting information


Select the “Allow Podcasting information” checkbox at the bottom of the Inspector

Deselect this checkbox
to activate the “Allow
Podcasting information”

Select this checkbox
to include podcasting
information in the
output media file.

This checkbox is available only when you have deselected Video Enabled in the Video
pane. Selecting this checkbox ensures that any annotations you add, as well as any chapter
and podcast markers with their artwork and URLs, are embedded with the output media


Save the setting so that you can apply it to a source media file’s target.

Stage 3:

Applying the Setting to a Source Media File’s Target

You must apply the setting to a source media file’s target to be able to configure the
podcasting information that this setting allows you to add to the output media file. See

Assigning Settings to Source Media Files

for more information.

Stage 4:

Entering Annotations for the Output Media File

You have the option of adding annotations (such as producer credits, keywords, and
copyright information).

To open the Additional Information tab and enter annotations


Click a non-target area of the job created by the source media file.

The Inspector window shows the A/V Attributes, Additional Information, and Job Action


Click the Additional Information tab.


Chapter 19

Creating MPEG-4 Output Files