Example of compressor command xml, Shell commands for submitting apple qmaster jobs, Synopsis – Apple Compressor 3 User Manual
Page 364: Command options

Submission command option
Displays information regarding the required parameters for the
Example of Compressor Command XML
The code below is an example of XML code for submitting a Compressor command.
Notice that because it needs to be entered as one command line, every character after
that isn’t alphanumeric must be preceded with a backslash (\).
./Compressor -clusterid tcp:// -batchname myBatch -jobpath
/Volumes/Source/ShortClips/NTSC24p.mov -settingpath
/Users/stomper10/Library/Application\ Support/Compressor/PhotoJPEG.setting
-destinationpath /Users/machinename/Movies/myDestinationFilename.mov.
This command has the following elements:
• Cluster address is tcp://
• Batch name is myBatch.
• Job path is /Volumes/Source/ShortClips/NTSC24p.mov.
• Setting path is /Users/stomper10/Library/Application
• Destination path is /Users/machinename/Movies.
Shell Commands for Submitting Apple Qmaster Jobs
You can use the Apple Qmaster command,
Apple Qmaster
, with a number of
command-line options for submitting jobs.
In the command-line descriptions below, angle brackets < > indicate a mandatory
argument in a command, and brackets [ ] indicate an optional argument.
Below is a synopsis of the command for submitting a job to a cluster. The
Apple Qmaster
command is located in /Applications/Apple Qmaster.app/Contents/MacOS/.
Apple Qmaster [-clustername address:port number>][-command [-wd [-help] Once the job is submitted successfully, this command displays the batch ID (identifier) Command Options This table provides information about each of the command options for submitting jobs. 364 Appendix C Using the Command Line
and job ID (identifier) in the shell.