Apple Compressor 3 User Manual

Page 292

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Note: There are two ways to adjust frame size. You can either enter numbers in the
cropping fields or drag the red frame bars in the Preview window. Using the latter method,
the resulting numbers dynamically appear in the cropping fields so that you can see a
numerical representation of your frame cropping. Hold down the Shift key to constrain
the crop to either the source aspect ratio, the source height, or the source width.

Drag the red frame
bars (by the handles)
to adjust the output
file frame size.

If you select a batch’s target,
any resizing in the Preview
window is reflected in the
Geometry pane. You can also
directly enter numbers into
these cropping fields.


About the Geometry Pane


Previewing a Clip

for more details.


Chapter 24

Adding Geometry Settings