Apple Final Cut Express HD User Manual
Page 861

Chapter 58
Creating Titles
 Tracking: Use the slider to adjust the space between letters, or enter a value in the
number field.
 Leading: Use the slider to adjust the space between lines of text, or enter a value in
the number field.
 Aspect: Use the slider to adjust the proportion of height versus width of your
selected font, or enter a value in the number field.
 Auto Kerning: Select the Auto Kerning checkbox to kern your text automatically so
that the spacing between the individual letters of your text is correct.
 Use Subpixel: Use the Use Subpixel control to render your text with subpixel accuracy.
Once you’ve created your text generator clip, you can add it to your sequence. For more
specific information, see “
The Fundamentals of Adding Clips to a Sequence
To add the title clip to your sequence:
In your sequence in the Timeline, set your destination track.
If you place the title clip on a track that’s above another track, the lower clip appears as
the background to the title.
Set the In and Out points.
Click the Video tab in the Viewer, then drag the title clip from the Viewer to the
Canvas or Timeline.