Apple Final Cut Express HD User Manual

Page 521

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Chapter 35

Adding Transitions




Additive Dissolve

Adds the two clips so that the first clip fades out and the second
fades in.

Cross Dissolve


Blends the first clip into the second clip.

Dip to Color Dissolve

Blends the first clip into the plain color of your choice, and then
blends the plain color into the second clip. You can adjust the
speed of the blend.

Dither Dissolve

Dissolves the first clip into the second by removing random pixels
from the first clip to reveal the second clip.

Fade In, Fade Out

Fades in the incoming clip as the outgoing clip fades out. Reveals
the track below the current track in a transition.

Non-Additive Dissolve

Compares the pixels in the two clips and displays the lighter of the
two as the first clip fades out and the second fades in.

Ripple Dissolve

Applies a pond ripple effect to the first clip, simultaneously
blending it into the second. You can choose the number of ripples,
their center point on the first clip, and their amplitude and
acceleration. You can also apply a circle highlight to the ripples.


Renders with 10-bit precision if your sequence is set for 10-bit precision in the Video Processing tab of the
Sequence Settings window.


Cross, Diamond, Oval, Point,
Rectangle, and Star

These effects are similar, but have different shapes. They all create
the impression of an iris, which contains the first clip, opening to
reveal the second. In each iris effect, you can specify the center point
around which the opening is defined and feather the edges, which
blends the edges of the clips together and gives a diffused iris.


Channel Map

Maps channels from the first and second clip, or fills the channels
with black. You can invert individual channels.

Luminance Map

Maps color using the luma (luminance) of a clip.

Page Peel

Page Peel

Peels the first clip away to reveal the second clip. You can adjust
the appearance of the peel.


QuickTime includes a set of built-in video effects listed here, some of which are implementations of
standard effects defined by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE).

For more information, visit the Apple QuickTime website at


Channel Compositor

Combines two images using the alpha channels of the images to
control the blending. It provides the standard alpha blending
options and can handle pre-multiplying by any color, although
white and black are most common and often run faster.