Apple Final Cut Express HD User Manual
Page 1138

real-time audio
filter adjustments 651
mixing 600, 876
real-time audio mixing 876, 947, 1071
real-time effects 158, 1094
display quality 871
dynamic real-time playback 866
external video monitoring 870
in Final Cut Express 870
identifying transitions and filters for 873
maximizing real-time playback 870
options in Final Cut Express 871
overview 865–871
playback settings 874–875
Play Base Layer Only feature 869
processing requirements 866
render bars 872
RT pop-up menu 874–875
Safe RT mode 867
settings 873–875
unlimited real-time playback 868
Unlimited RT mode 874
Real Time Effects (RT) pop-up menu 874–875
Real-Time Effects (RT) pop-up menu 122
recapturing items
recapturing process
effective media management and 900
Recent Clips pop-up menu 83, 90, 946
recompressing media files
Reconnect Files dialog 939
reconnecting media 935–942
effective media management and 900
search paths 953
Reconnect Media command 935–942
Reconnect window 940
Record Audio Keyframes checkbox 951
recording process
output to VHS tape 970
Print to Video command 965, 966–968
recording anamorphic video 1063
recording from Timeline 965, 968–970
recording to videotape 965–968
setting up for 966–968
voiceover controls 628
voiceover settings 631, 636–638
record monitors 101, 1095
Rectangle transition 521
rectangular pixels 1034
rectangular pixels. See non-square pixels
redigitizing process 1095
Redo command 278
Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAIDs) 160,
Reel name property 919
reel names 176
Reel property 930, 931
described 1095
duplicate timecode and 196
information about 175
names of 902
numbers 196
reference frames 973
reference levels 598
reference movies 203, 992–994, 1005, 1075
reference tones 600
Refresh A/V Devices command 167
relative timecode values 488
relative volume adjustments 604
Release time control 643, 644
removable media 154, 203
removable media drives 154
Remove Attributes dialog 748
Remove Subclip Limits command 253
renaming items
bins 68
clips 68
files 68
sequences 68
renaming markers 244
Render All command 886
render bar 536
render bars 879–880, 881–882, 1095
audio items 123
colors 122
imported QuickTime files and 204
Render command 885
Render Control tab 892, 952
render files 274, 536
creating 877
deleting cache files 115
described 1095
generating 883
invisible tracks and 894, 951
low-resolution 885
managing 893–894
preserving 893
reconnecting files 936
space requirements 154
anamorphic media 1066, 1067
audio 606, 887, 889
audio and video separately 884
audio filters 876, 881–882
audio mixing and 876
Auto Rendering feature 891, 895
avoiding 894–895
commands 885–887
cuts-only sequences 895
described 877, 1095